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Base knowledge

Beginners' Guide: Base Knowledge

This page contains the basic lore a commoner from or living in Acroshia would be aware of. It's a great base for learning what your character would know if you are starting as a commoner, don't worry about memorizing this, you can simply ask the gm during your intro session weather your character would be aware of certain information or not.


While the website is still in development you can also check our Word Anvil for more specific lore.

The founding fathers of Acroshia were 5 leaders that decided to rule as a

council rather than a dictator. Acroshia was first in Shar with “Democracy”

in that sense. 


The rule of Acroshia during their time wasn't spectacular, not for the majority

anyway, as the gap between rich and poor was extreme. About 5% lived in

extreme wealth and comfort, these were mainly the scholars and

intellectuals. The remaining population suffered from starvation and

poverty. More than half the population were slaves that worked long hours

to build impressive buildings throughout the lands. 


Once the Dark Ages came things quickly changed, as Mishra lead the assault

through the deepest parts of the desert. The five kings tried to protect the

people. All but one fell as Mishra and her armies ravaged the 3 major cities

in the north. 


As a result of this, the majority of the resources were pulled away from the

south and the grip of Seth had weakened which lead to a revolt by a man

known as Mhim. Mhim and the slaves broke free and charged the palace of

Seth. Mihm himself killed the last king while he still sat on this throne. The

piercing blow was rumored to be so full of hate that it pierced the back of the throne itself. If one were to look at the throne today, the hole would still be there. 


Mhim became the ruler and freed most of the slaves. Instead of trying to advance to overtake the fallen cities (which the 5 kings tried, and failed to do) he pulled back the forces and kept a defensive line. As a result of this decision, there were fewer casualties but unfortunately, many people became homeless. 


These people became known as the Mhirrin. The Mhirrin are known as raiders and thugs and are not welcome in any city under the rule of Mhim. Over the years the conflicts between the Mhirrin and Acroshia increased. Some Mhirrin even swore fealty to Mishra, in promise for change and shifts of power, unbeknownst that she was the one that caused their suffering to begin with. 


The 5 kings were buried in crypts according to their wills. Not to be visited.


Starting tip - Acroshia

Acroshia is the country that serves as the starting point for most sessions.


Most popular commercial hubs are also located in its main cities.


Acroshian people are mostly humans but most of the common races are welcome with the exception of Galdur.


Before letting inside a main city gate, guards will inspect everyone, being quite strict with letting in certain monstrous races and searching for ilegal possessions or signs of the sickness called corruption (read bellow).

Read more:

Church of Mhim

The Church Of Mhim The Mhim arose to power through providing great acts and deeds to the established world. For the betterment of Shar and all of Acrosha, the Mhim created policies, order, and freedom for the majority of the nation. 


Mhim created the legios and the senate to maintain the order of the world and Seth. To maintain the peace, fight back the demons, to create a plausible survivable future. Mhim is the hope within the darkness. The Church of Mhim does what it can to support the people of Seth and Acorshia. Even though some of the decisions have been looked upon poorly by individuals, the Church does what it can for the greater good.

Tenants of Mhim 

  1. Raise above yourself and help the greater good 

  2. Preparation is key to victory 

  3. Good shall always prevail in the darkness of nights 

  4. The Corruption shall be Cleansed by Mhim’s Holy Light

Power Structure 

1. Mhim 

2. High Priesthood 

3. Fury Hand and Order of Shadows 

4. Regular church individuals

Read more:


​Adventurers that explore or find themselves in the darker places of Shar will often come across others that ventured too deep and have become corrupted, leaving them wandering the dark seeking fresh flesh. Coming into contact with something corrupted will quite often leave the victim with corruption of it's own that will continue to spread throughout the body, slowly altering their appearance and leaving them with a rotting and failing body.

Transmission & Vectors

Physical contact with anything already corrupted. Contact with objects linked to the Nine Greater Demon Lords.


Yellowing eyes, greying skin, rotting body


Remove Curse spell (link here)

Cultural Reception

Corrupted people are shunned and treated very poorly.


The Mhirrin

The Mhirrin term encompasses all of old Acroshia’s former people that came from the felled cities of the North, and now roam the deserts in large groups. Some are said to have allied with Gods of the Greater Nine while others seem to take a more agnostic approach. Given the lack of food and shelter, many Mhirrin has resorted to plundering and robbing caravans which has created a very tense situation between them and Acroshia. Others have chosen to trade with the Galdur and even fewer has chosen to leave the desert for good in search of better lands.

Tip - Playing as a Mhirrin

Mhirrin are easily recognized by their cultural tribal tattoos, which also helps distinguish to what faction they belong (followers of the 5 kings or Mishra are more common).


Players are allowed to play as a mhirrin if they wish, but it's only recommended for those familiar with the setting. Openly having mhirrin origin means that the acroshian guards will likely kill you on sight, therefore you are not allowed in the main cities where you can be safe, trade or start most of the sessions. 


laws of acroshia

Minor Crime

Assault: Guard bribe equal to annual tax paid by victim or one week imprisonment & public lashing (1 major injury)

Blackmailing: Fine up to 500 gp

Damaging Property or Livestock: Cost of repair or hard labor plus 50gp to be paid to the owner.

Disorderly Conduct on Temple Grounds: 10-40gp guard bribe or public lashing (1 major injury)

Disturbing the Peace: 10-40gp guard bribe or public lashing (1 major injury)

Drug Use:10-40gp guard bribe or public lashing (1 major injury).

Littering: 10-40gp guard bribe or public lashing (1 major injury).

Public use of Magic: Fine 10-40gp

Obstructing Justice: One week labour camp and fine up to 500 gp

Theft: (1st offense or less than 400 gp value)

Fine equal to twice the total value of the stolen goods or public lashing (1 major injury) & branding.

Severe Crime

Intentionally spreading Corruption: Death

Assaulting or Impersonating Church of Mhim, Senate, or Ranking Legio Official

Death: Murder of Royal Blood, Official, or Noble


Espionage: Death or permanent banishment (determined by persuasion 2d10+8)

Misuse of the name Mhim: Prolonged public torture, dismemberment and execution.

Poisoning a City Well: Running the gauntlet (2 major & 3 minor injuries or Death, determined by appropriate rolls)

Theft (3rd offense or more than 2000 gp value): Fine equal to ten times the total value or public execution.

Theft (from Temple of Mhim or Legio): Prolonged public torture, dismemberment and execution.

Treason: Public torture, dismemberment and execution.

Using Magic to Influence Royal Blood or Council

One year slave labour

Major Crime

Assaulting or Impersonating Military or Noble: Branding, Public Lashing (1 major injury), fine up to 500gp

Arson: Death or labor camp up to 60 days with fines up to 2000 plus the cost of repairs (determined by persuasion dc 2d10+8)

Blackmailing an Official: Branding and permanent banishment.

Drug Distribution: Guard bribe equal to 2 times the value of confiscated drugs or 6 months labour camp and branding.

Forgery of an Official Document: Branding and permanent exile (no city entrance allowed)

Murder: (without lawful justification) Penalty fee equal to the annual tax paid by the person or public execution (if important person) or labour camp (if unimportant person) until penalty fee is paid off and branding.

Rape: Fine equal to the annual tax paid by the person to the victim or Dismemberment of genitalia & branding

Theft: (2nd offense or more than 400 gp value)

Fine equal to five times the total value of the stolen goods or dismemberment of one hand.

Using Magic to Influence a Noble or Militant Without Consent: Fine up to 1000 gp




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