Character Creation
Beginners' Guide: Character Creation
Within this character creation information page, you will find all the essential details needed to craft your first character within the allowed content on our server.
Choosing an Origin (Background)
Players can choose to start as a commoner, prisoner, or ironman.
Note: Characters may not start with contacts established through the backstory.
Commoners are residents of the plane of Shar, drawn to adventure in one way or another. (No character may be pre-existing relationship to npcs of importantance).
Commoners start at level 0 with the equipment granted by their background.
Commoners have common knowledge about Shar.
Commoners choose their race, but roll for a random background with a GM.
Starting at level 0
Your proficiency bonus is +1.
You begin with no class.
Your maximum hit points is 6 + your Constitution modifier.
You begin with one talent point instead of two. (What are talents?)
You can cast known cantrips an amount of times up to its casting ability per long rest.
Leveling up to 1
You gain another talent point.
You add only the average of the chosen class' hit die to your maximum hit points (without your Consitution modifier just for level 1).
You can cast your cantrips normally.
Ironman Characters
WARNING: Ironman characters are overwhelmingly likely to die a horrible death. You should not make one until you are sure you are comfortable with The Realm Beyond.
Ironman characters are commoners that forgo all benefits from backgrounds and start as the 'Ironman' background, with nothing but a loincloth and no background proficiencies.
See "Starting at level 0" but ignore background completely
Players earn an "Ironman" Discord title upon reaching Lv.3
Players with the Ironman title can begin Beast Mode, starting as an Ironman with a cursed band of loyalty equipped, causing you to instantly die upon reaching 0 HP. If anyone ever levels such a PC to level 5 without removing the ring, they will receive a reward.
Beast Mode & Ironman characters may learn an additional 3 skill/tool proficiencies through Training downtime.
Beast Mode & Ironman characters can not have inspiration transferred to them nor converted from Silver Tokens & may only have TRB spent in order to select Ultra-rare race (not talents etc) until title has been gained.
Unlock after a commoner or prisoner reaches lvl3
Prisoners are not from the plane of Shar, the plane in which you will be adventuring. Instead, prisoners arrive on Shar because they are shoved into a portal to Shar from the plane of Endorahn where they were placed on death row.
Prisoners start at level 1 with no equipment except rags and a set of rusty manacles around their wrists.
Prisoners begin with no knowledge of Shar.
You can choose the race and an official background of your prisoner. Note: You do not get the Background Feature.
You get everything normally from class and background except for equipment.
You get 2 talent points.

Choose a Race
Some races in TRB have to be unlocked using silver tokens. Below is the List of Common races & Sub-Races that can always be used:
Human (Base, Variant)
Wood Elf (Base)
High Elf (Base)
Dwarves (Base, Hill, Mountain)
Half-Elves (Base, Variant, Wood, Moon & Sun)
Gnomes (Base)
Half-Orc (Base)
PHB and Variant Tiefling (Except Winged)
The following Uncommon races require 1 silver token:
Dragonborn (Base, Dracoblood, Ravenite)
Half-Elf (Half-Drow)
The following Rare races require 3 silver tokens:
Dwarf (Duergar)
Gnome (Deep/Svirfneblin) [SCAG]
Genasi (All)
Elf (Drow, Pallid)
Dragonborn (Chromatic, Gem, Metallic)
The following Ultra-Rare races require 7 silver tokens and an expenditure of 50 TRB per character, due to being vanishingly rare in the setting.
Aasimar (All)
Shifter (All)
The following races are extremely rare and can only be unlocked in special circumstances via playing, transforming an existing character:
Elf (Eladrin, Shadar-Kai)
Note! MPMM versions
All races with an MPMM version now use that version, with the exceptions of Hobgoblins and Goblins.
​If an earlier printing of a race existed with specific bonuses to ability scores, the race must still use those bonuses. This also applies to subraces and transformation choices (relevant mainly to Aasimar and Shifters, longtooth shifter still needs to use the STR bonus stats and flying Aasimar still needs the WIS bonus stats).
What are silver tokens?
Silver tokens are a currency that is rewarded to players after sessions. This system helps reflect the rarity of certain races in our low fantasy Westmarch.
Players can use their tokens to unlock races that are not commonly found in the starting area (Acroshia). This may come with draw backs as most Acroshian citizens are not found of monstrous races. Players are expected to have a some knowledge of the in game consequences before playing them.
This system adds an extra layer of immersion to the game as most of the character will reflect the most population on the setting.
How to get silver tokens?
Players can earn silver tokens if they meet the following requirments:
Show creativity in or out of combat.
Display great commitment to their character, even if it puts them at a disadvantage or increases the risk of dying.
Promote inclusion by involving less prominent characters in the story and roleplay.
Demonstrate growth in their play through improved mechanics or roleplay.
Excel in voice, character acting, and description.
Usually around 2-3 silver tokens are awarded per session.
Convert Token to inspiration
Players can also convert earned silver tokens into inspirations for their characters (1=1).
Inspirations can be used to reroll any dice on the game.
Barred from City
The following races do not begin play allowed in proper areas of cities: Galdur, Orcs, Kobolds, Duergar, Drow, Lizardfolk, Centaur, Minotaur, Firbolg, Grung, Shifter.
If you are not allowed into a city, you may only perform downtime activities in its outlying slums. In slums you cannot buy or sell magic items with a rarity above common, and you can only work for organizations that would have a presence in or recruit from the slums. You cannot pay to accelerate healing from major injuries at the hospital, but can still heal them by spending the full amount of downtime.
It is normal for such characters to get sponsorship to enter at least one city before reaching level 3, assuming a success in at least one mission for a significant faction. By level 5, it is normal for such characters to receive full citizenship, assuming they have done a reasonable assortment of good deeds for the nation.
Roll20 Character Sheets
Here's how to claim a new sheet in the roll20 website.

After finishing your character sheet, please go to the ''I'm new plz help!'' channel on the discord server to request a personal folder and character sheet on our Roll20 Vault.
Note: If there are no sheets available, simply poke GMs or moderators in ''I'm new plz help!'' channel.
Ability Scores
Point Buy
Check Modified content before choosing a class or subclass to be sure you are aware of changes, if any.
TRB uses 27 point buy with a 15 point maximum and 8 point minimum in any given score for determining ability scores for your characters. Here is a link to a point buy calculator.
If you have accumulated a total of 20 TRB coins, you gain access to 16 point maximum and 5 point minimum. With this however, comes the expectation that your roleplay accordingly to your attributes.
Sanity Score
In TRB, there is an additional ability score named Sanity. To determine this ability score, roll 2d6+6 with a GM. After rolling the ability score, you may point buy into Sanity as if it were any other ability score- however, you cannot reduce Sanity to gain points.
Characters gain (or lose) extra proficiencies equal to their Intelligence modifier, and the same number of languages. This is also true if Intelligence is increased later on via ASI, but not if it is enhanced by a spell or item.
Dropping one tool/instrument proficiency to satisfy negative INT restrictions means dropping all tool/instrument proficiencies. Bards may not surrender their instrument proficiencies. You cannot drop or gain armor or weapon proficiencies.
Charisma adjusts DC for faction reputation gain, making it easier to recieve favors.
If you gain proficiency in a skill twice, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses the proficiency. This does not stack with other features that provide the same effect. (i.e. Rogue's Expertise)
Talent Trees(Feats)
Feats are not used. Instead, we use Talent Trees.
Variant Humans gain 1 talent point instead of a feat.
The first two talent points can only be spent in skill trees.
You may not take talents from skills tied to attributes that are lower than 8.
You may only spend talent points on skills trees for skills you are proficient with. Specialty trees are different.
Level Up
You gain your normal class's features when leveling up.
Your hit point increase per level is determined by the average of the class's hit die. You never roll for hit points on TRB.
Players should/must work with their DMs to spend all their downtime days before leveling up.
Beginners' Guide: Tip! What's next?
If you haven't yet, check the Talent Trees to finish your character creation or head on to the modified content to check for our changes in classes, spells, etc. You can also check the base lore for the starting area in the setting.
Remember, our staff and community are free to answer any questions you might have about any subject! Just head to the ''Im-new-pls-help!'' channel on discord!
Acroshia / Corruption / Mhirrin/...
Skill Trees/Speciality Trees