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Homebrewed/Modified Items

Drugs of Acroshia

All drugs requires a contact in order to be purchased. The contact is not expended for buying drugs.


Usage: DC 12 Constitution saving throw.


Effect: Advantage on Sanity saves for one hour.


Failure: Gain 1 level of exhaustion. A failed save by more than 5 causes speed to be halved and advantage on perception checks. Failed by 10 or more causes paranoia.


Cost: 5 sp/dose


Usage: DC 15 Constitution saving throw.


Effect: Advantage on Sanity saves for 4 hours.


Failure: Gain 2 levels of exhaustion and restore 1 temporary sanity.


Addiction: DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become addicted (+1 lv exhaustion per day on failed DC 18 Con Save that doesn't go away until Con Save has passed).


Cost: 5 gp/dose

Glamour Dust

Is smoked or snorted and produces a short but euphoric buzz granting the following qualities for 1 minute.


  • Character ignores any Minor Lingering Injuries

  • Character gains Level * 3 temporary hit points.

  • Character rolls all sanity checks at advantage

  • Character must succeed a DC18 Con Save or take 1 point of corruption and become addicted

  • At the start of each turn, the character must succeed a DC16 Wisom Save or attack the nearest target. If multiple targets, randomize

  • Character make all melee/natural weapon attacks at advantage

  • Once the minute has expired the user take 1 level of exhaustion

  • ​

Addiction: A character that is addicted will do anything in order to sate the addiction and will regularly buy and consume 1 dose of the substance per day. Rolling effects for each day consumed (including DTDs).

A character can break an addiction by either spending 30 days downtime hospitalized or by Greater Restoration


Cost: 2 gp/dose

Homebrew Magic Items

Pacia's Psychic Perforator

Rare, Requires Attunement, Weapon (Halberd or Glaive)

This magical polearm grants a +1 on attack and damage rolls and deals 1d4 psychic damage on a successful hit. Additionally, it grants advantage on attacks of opportunity.

Insignia of the Brute

Item (uncommon, rare, very rare)


When using a mundane object or all or part of a living or dead creature as a weapon, add a +1/+2/+3 magic bonus to attack and damage rolls. The attack is treated as magical.

Fortune's Favor

Uncommon, Weapon (any reach)
This magical polearm has a +1 bonus to hit and damage. Additionally, it grants +1 damage to targets within five feet of you and +1 to hit targets further than five feet from you.

Instrument of the Bards

Uncommon, Requires Attunement

Uncommon variants of this item do not count as Rare even though they allow the user to cast the Fly spell.

Wooden armor

Armor, uncommon (can be worn by druids)


Attributes: Weights half as much as regular armor.


Price: Normal armor price + 500gp


Requirement: woodcarver contact (14 days looking for a woodcarver npc)


Woodcarvers crafting for Player characters: 4 research units or dismantle armor with the wooden property.

Adventurer's Wand

Wand, uncommon

This simple wooden wand has 4 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges for one of the following effects:


  • Reveal a secret door or trap within 30 feet of you.

  • Cast identify without material components.

  • Learn the fastest way out of a structure, such as a dungeon or a castle. This path might not always be the safest route.


The wand regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn. Additionally, you can use the wand to cast prestidigitation at will. If you hold the wand in the palm of your hand, it will point North. Notes: Detection, Utility, Exploration

Natural armor

Armor, uncommon (can be worn by druids)


Attributes: Weights half as much as regular armor.


Price: Normal armor price + 500gp + specific special materials gathered from creatures (Up to gm discretion on the session where it drops, if the player has enough material and what can be done with it.)


Requirement: leather worker contact (14 days looking for a leather worker npc).


Woodcarvers crafting for Player characters: 4 research units or dismantle armor with the natural property.

Homebrew Magic Item Changes

Alchemy Jug

Wondrous Item, uncommon

Any liquid produced with the Alchemys Jug vanishes 24 hours after first having been produced.

Willowshade Oil

Rarity changed to Uncommon Consumable

Keoghtom's Ointment

No longer counts as consumable and has max charges (500gp purchase cost)

Flying Magic Items
  • All Common and Uncommon Magic Items that confer flying have their Rarity increased by one level to Uncommon and Rare respectively.

Feather Token

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

This small metal disk is inscribed with the image of a feather. When you fall at least 20 feet while the token is on your person, you descend 60 feet per round and take no damage from falling. Once you land, this ability can only triggered again after a long rest. (not consumable)

Adamantin and Serpent Scale

Rarity changed to Rare.

Eversmoking Bottle

Wondrous Item, uncommon

Radius reduced to 30ft.

Band of Loyalty

Loses its magical property once user dies

Amulet of the Drunkard

Requires Action to be used and counts as a potion for potential exhaustion

Shield of Epression

Rarity changed to Uncommon

Horn of Valhalla

Quantities of warriors change depending on rarity.

Silver - Rare (No Req) - 1d2+1
Brass - Rare (Simple Weapons) 1d4+1
Bronze - Very Rare (Medium Armor) 1d6+1
Iron - Legendary (Martial Weapons) 1d8+1

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