Downtime Activities
Players have the opportunity to engage in downtime activities outside of the main sessions, allowing for further character development and progression.
During downtime, players can take on various tasks, such as crafting items,
researching information, training skills, and building relationships
with factions by working for them. These tasks can provide all kind of
benefits from gold, to divine favours from your god to gaining
new contacts or finding magic sellers.
Don't forget that doing these activities will advance you on the timeline! Keep track of it or you might be excluded from sessions. Ask a gm for help if you need information on your characters current time.
Downtime activities are always performed as FLAT rolls unless another player assists the first player by spending the same amount of downtime doing the same activity. In which case advantage will apply. Magical items that grant bonuses to skill proficiencies does not apply to DTD Rolls. DTD requirements: 400gp property or more required for Uncommon crafting or animal training. 1000gp property or more more required for Rare crafting or animal training. 8000gp property or more more required for Very Rare crafting or animal training.
A property must be assigned to one proficiency and can only be used for crafting purposes for that one proficency.
Multiple crafters can work on the same project provided that each individually are owners of sufficiently valued property to perform the craft.
Accumulated Downtime and leveling
Downtime must be spent before leveling up. Before leveling up you should make sure to talk with a GM to spend your accumulated downtime.
Magical Items
No Items may be used for the purposes of completing Dowtime Activies
Buying a Recipe or Magic Item
Finding a seller to Buy a Recipe for a highly magical Enchanted Item or the item itself is expensive, and time-consuming. Characters can take their time and money and try to find a buyer who is selling the item they are seeking.
To find a magical item of Uncommon or Rare rarity you must spend a certain amount of days looking for it and automatically find it after that.
Common items require no searching time even if they are magical.
Very rare items are purely dropped in session and can't be obtained outside of it.
Clarified: You only spend downtime once to find locations for vendors selling consumables. You may use the same seller to buy the exact same consumable in the future without expending days searching for it.
Players may not search for magical items for other players.
Rarity | Time |
Uncommon | 14 days |
Rare | 35 days |

Carousing (currently unavailable)
​Carousing is a default downtime activity for many characters. Between adventures, who doesn't want to relax with a few drinks and a group of friends at a tavern?
Carousing covers one workweek of fine food, strong drink, and socializing. A character can attempt to carouse among lower, middle, or upper-class folk. A character can carouse with any of these classes for a cost.A character with the noble background can mingle with the upper class, but other characters can do so only if that character has made sufficient middle-class contacts. Alternatively, a character might use a disguise kit and the Deception skill to pass as a noble visiting from a distant city.

Carousing Table

After a workweek of carousing, a character stands to make contacts within the selected social class. The character makes a Charisma (Persuasion) check and consults the Carousing table.

Types of contacts
Hostile contacts: works against the character, placing obstacles but stopping short of committing a crime or a violent act.
Allied contacts: friends who will render aid to the character a single time, but not at the risk of their lives.
Lower-class contacts: include criminals, laborers, mercenaries, the town guard, and any other folk who normally frequent the cheapest taverns in town.
Middle-class contacts: include guild members, spell-casters, town officials, and other folk who frequent well-kept establishments.
Upper-class contacts: nobles and their personal servants. Carousing with such folk covers formal banquets, state dinners, and the like.
The GM you have contacted about Carousing will give you in depth info about the specific contact you have made.
Crafting Requirments
Crafting common items : No property required
Crafting uncommon items - requires 400gp+ property
Crafting rare items - requires 1000gp+ property
Masterwork Crafting
A piece of Masterwork gear may be crafted similarly to Mundane gear but with an increased cost using the formula below:
Value = (PHB Cost) × (Sockets + 1) + (PHB Cost)1/4 × 10Sockets
When you craft an item, it will have a number of Sockets determined by its Rarity as shown below.
Item Rarity by Number of Sockets Table

The effect of Sockets on a piece of gear are decided at creation and are permanent. Each Socket can have one of the effects mentioned in the Socket Effects Table. Weapon sockets may apply to ammunition and then count as one price per pack purchased (usually 20 for arrows).
Socket Effects Table
Item Type | Effect |
Armor | +1 AC |
Wand | +1 Spell Attack (Wands only) |
Weapon | Weapon returns to the owner after being thrown. |
Weapon | Use a bonus action to deal 1d4 bonus elemental damage for one minute. This socket can't be stacked and can only be used once per short rest) |
Weapon | You may grant the weapon another damage type in addition to magical. You must spend a bonus action to swap between any damage types available on the weapon. |
Weapon | +1 Attack and Damage |
Mundane Gear
When crafting a piece of mundane gear, you must supply 50% of the item's value as materials. You gain progress each day you work on the item by the following formula:
GP Added per Day = (Roll - DC) + √(Baseprice)
Note: The √(Baseprice) is only added if the (Roll-DC) is positive.
When you add the GP value progress for each day to equal the total value of the item, the crafting will be completed.
Crafting DC Table

Crafting Gear
Magical items that break can be repaired with 25% total value cost in materials and crafting work equal to 25% of total value.

Magical Crafting
Crafting Magic items always requires a Recipe. Magic Items and Recipes that are for +X items are able to be upgraded. Upgrading the Magic Items follow the same rules as Masterwork upgrading. When learning a new +X schematic you can subtract the number of research units of a lower variant of the schematic from the number you need for the new variant you are learning.
Basic/Common items do not need a recipe. Uncommon schematic items require 4 units of research for a recipe to be obtained. (4 pieces of lore). Rare schematic items require 8 units of research for the recipe. (8 pieces of lore). Very rare schematic items require 16 units of research for the recipe. (16 pieces of lore) Legendary schematic items require 32 units of research for the recipe. (32 pieces of lore)
You can also take apart an item using one day of downtime - the item is no longer usable but you gain its sale value (50% purchase price) in crafting materials and instantly learn the recipe.

Crafting Potions
Crafting a potion requires materials equaling 50% of the value of the potion (calculated by rarity of potion), which can be gathered with a Herbalism Kit or bought with gold pieces, and a set of Alchemist Supplies. Crafting potions of Uncommon or higher rarity requires a Recipe.
Material gathering can be done using a Herbalism Kit, each day spent gathering will allow you to collect herbs using the following formula. (Roll - DC) + √(value). No material will be gained upon a failure.
Crafting the Potion
After gathering the required materials you can then craft your potion using your Alchemist Supplies. To craft your potion, make a roll using your Alchemist Supplies against the DC of the rarity of the potion you wish to craft. If you succeed you make your potion, if you fail you instead make a fabled Random Potion.

Random Potions
Sipping a Random Potion reveals nothing about it. When you drink a Random Potion, you must roll on the Random Potion Duration Table and the Random Potion Effect Table below.
1 - You transform in a halfling (Commoner Stat Block, Small Humanoid) for 1 minute. You automatically revert if you drop to 0 hit points, or you die. At the end of the duration or if you revert, you explode. Any creature within 20 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 6d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. You automatically fail this save.
2 - You take 2d4+2 poison damage.
3 - You gain the detriment of the Bane spell for 1 minute.
4 - You suffer the effects of the Confusion spell for 1 minute (No Save) but have advantage on melee attack rolls for the duration.
5 - You are Paralyzed for 1 minute. For the duration, any time a creature hits you with a melee attack, they suffer 1d8 lightning damage and can't take reactions until the start f their next turn.
6 - You are Frightened of all other creatures for 1 minute. You may take the Dash action as a bonus action for the duration.
7 - You are Petrified for 1 minute. Gain temporary hit points equal to twice your level.
8 - You are Poisoned but have poison resistance for 1 hour.
9 - You are Blinded but gain Blindsight out to 10ft for 1 hour.
10 - You gain resistance to fire damage and vulnerability to cold damage for 1 hour.
11 - You gain resistance to cold damage and vulnerability to fire damage for 1 hour.
12 - You gain the "enlarge" effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1 hour (no concentration required). However, your weapons suffer from the "reduce" effect for the duration.
13 - You gain Darkvision of 60ft for 1 hour, if you already have Darkvision, the range is increased by 30ft. You gain the Sunlight Sensitivity trait for the duration.
14 - Your speed is doubled for 1 minute but you may only move in one straight line per turn, for the duration as you are unable to control this newfound speed.
15 - For 1 minute you gain the use of a breath weapon (Red Dragonborn) as an Action. You are considered a target of the Breath Weapon but auomatically fail the saving ting throw as the flame burns your throat. You lose the ability to speak for the duration.
16 - You begin Raging (Barbarian Lvl 1) for 1 minute.
17 - You transform into a Giant Crab for 1 hour. You automatically revert if you drop to 0 hit points, or die.
18 - You gain the benefit of the Bless spell for 1 minute.
19 - You regain 2d4+2 hit points.
20 - For 1 minute, you regain 10 hit points at the start of each of your turns.
Potions Rarity

Crafting Spell Scrolls
You must know the spell you are scribing into the scroll.
Spell scrolls are crafted using Calligrapher's Tools or Painter's Tools.
Crafting a scroll requires materials equaling 50% of the value of the potion (calculated by rarity of potion), which can be bought on a normal market. Uncommon or rare material vendor needs to be search as if searching for a magical item. (14 days and 35 days respectively of downtime expenditure).
Crafting DC Table
Spell Level | DC | Material Cost (gp) |
Cantrip | 3 | 12.5 |
1st | 5 | 25 |
2nd | 8 | 62.5 |
3rd | 12 | 125 |
4th | 15 | 500 |
5th | 19 | 1 250 |
6th | 22 | 5 000 |
7th | 26 | 12 500 |
8th | 29 | 25 000 |
9th | 33 | 61 250 |

Spell rarity
cantrip to 1st level = common
2nd to 3rd level = uncommon
4th to 5th level = rare
6th to 7th level = very rare
8th to 9th = legendary
Property Crafting
Crafting your Own Property:

Tools for Crafting
Each crafting tool is associated with an Ability as shown in the table to the right. In addition, each tool (except Vehicle) can be upgraded, costing 500gp, to become an Uncommon Tool giving it the Item Feature: "You may choose any Ability Score, except Constitution, when making checks with this tool."
Crafting Tools Attribute Table

Selling a Magic Item
Selling a Magic Item is by no means an easy task. Con artists and thieves are always looking out for an easy score, and there is guarantee your character will even receive a good offer even if a legitimate buyer is found.
A character can find a buyer for one magic item by spending varying amounts of downtime detailed below, which is used to spread the word of the desired sale. A character may only sell one item at a time for its Value based on Rarity.

A character who wants to sell an item must make a Charisma (Persuasion) check to determine what kind of offer comes in. A character can choose not to sell after seeing the result but they forfeit the downtime and gp cost.

Sometimes the best thing to do between adventures is relax. Whether a character wants a hard-earned vacation or to recover from some injuries, relaxation is the ideal option for adventurers who need a break.
Relaxation takes one week of time to complete.

While relaxing a character gains advantage on saving throws to recover from long-acting poisons and diseases. At the end of the week, the character may choose from one of the following options:
End one effect that stops you from gaining hitpoints
Restore one Ability score that has been reduced to less than its normal value
Remove one Minor Injury
Increase Temporary Sanity by 1D6. If temp equals Max Sanity by the end of the relaxation, you may remove 1 Long-term sanity condition.
These benefits cannot be used if the harmful effect is caused by a spell that is still ongoing.
Religious Service
Characters with a religious bent might want to spend downtime in service to a temple, either by attending rites or by proselytizing in the community. Someone who undertakes this activity has a chance of winning the favor of the temple's leaders.
Performing religious service requires access to, and often attendance at, a temple whose beliefs and etho~ align with the character's. If such a place is available, the activity takes 14 days of time but involves no gold piece expenditure.

At the end of the required time, the character chooses to make either an Intelligence (Religion, History, Nature), Wisdom (Insight, Medicine), or Charisma (Persuasion, Deception) check. The total of the check determines the benefits of service, as shown on the Religious Service table.
Religious Service
Roll | Favours Earned |
1-10 | No effect. Your efforts fail to make a lasting impression |
11-20 | You earn one favour |
21+ | You earn two favors |
A favor, in broad terms, is a promise of future assistance from a representative of the temple. A divine favor may only affect the character that earned them unless stated otherwise. It can be expended in a number of ways, including:
Ask the temple for help in dealing with a specific problem
General political or social support.
Spend 1 divine favor to add 1d4 radiant damage to your next attack. The D4 can not be increased.
Spend 1 divine favor to add 1d4 to your saving throw.
The d4 can be raised by one level for each divine favor you spend above 1 up to a d12.
Spend 4 divine favor to get divine intervention and automatically stabilize a creature of your choice, which can be used while in bleed out.
Using divine favor for other miracles should follow the same power level as above.
A deity's intervention, such as an omen, a vision, or a minor miracle provided at a key moment. This favor is expended by the DM, who also determines its nature.
Religious Favors can only affect attack rolls, saving throws, and abilities made by the player spending them.
Favors earned need not be expended immediately, but only a certain number can be stored up. A character can have a maximum number of unused favors equal to 1 + the character's Wisdom or Charisma modifier (minimum of one unused favor).
Forewarned is forearmed. The research downtime activity allows a character to delve into lore concerning a monster, location, magic item or some other particular topic. Some sessions may have Research Values of different tiers that allow character knowledge of sessions that may be useful.
Recipes can be researched in order to get the understanding required to craft it provided three pieces or materials have been understood. Schematic research can only be performed by the PC who wants to craft the item or their own loyal servant/faithful friend.
Research conducted for a mission is assumed to been relayed in advance of mission, unless otherwise stated.
Research requires one week of downtime. Hirelings & Property workers may not be used for research.

You declare the focus of your research - a specific person, place, thing, or Enchanted Item in your inventory.
After the week ends you roll an Investigation or History Check. Consult the Research Outcomes table below:
Research Outcomes
Roll | Research Learned |
1-8 | Learn nothing |
7-13 | Learn one piece of lore or units of research worth for magical item recipe |
14-23 | Learn two pieces of lore or units of research worth for magical item recipe |
24+ | Learn three pieces of lore or units of research worth for magical item recipe |
Given enough free time and the services of an instructor, a character can learn a language or pick up proficiency with a tool.
Learning Proficiency or Expertise in a Language, Skill, or Tool takes 25 days and 35 days respectively. This training costs 10gp per day.
The number of required days is reduced by a number of days equal to your character's Intelligence modifier (an Intelligence penalty doesn't increase the time needed)
Characters may only train a maximum proficiencies or expertise equal to their proficiency modifier. Languages are the exception to this rule.
Players may retrain previously trained skills for twice the gold cost and twice the amount of DTD. Example: Changing Expertise in Sneaking to Expertise in another would cost 60 DTD and 600 Gold base.
At the end of the character's required number of days training they will earn Proficiency or Expertise in the Language, Skill or Tool chosen.

Animal Handling
Creature Difficulty (CD)

Performing Tricks
A trainer may command a pet to do a Trick using their Free Action, the pet however needs to do the Trick on their own initiative count using their own action economy.

A creature can be battle-trained by doing the same progress as crafting, square root of final value progress per day. The final value for battle-training is 5x the base creature price for common animals and 10x the base price for exotic.
The base price counts as being added as "material" to jump start the progress. This calculation is easiest to do through the bot.
Teaching Trick
In addition to battle-training the animal can also be taught a variety of Tricks. Tricks instead have a static cost that correlates with rarity (100 for Common, 500 for Uncommon, 5000 for Rare, 25000 for Very Rare), one cost for common, and one cost for exotic. Just as with Battle-Training, the DC is the same as the derived CD.
Rarity | Rarity (Exotic) | Trick | Pre-requisite |
Common | Uncommon | Fetch | - |
Common | Uncommon | Guard | - |
Common | Uncommon | Track | - |
Common | Uncommon | Attack | - |
Common | Uncommon | Disengage(Action) | |
Uncommon | Rare | Disengage(Bonus Action) | Disengage(Action) |
Uncommon | Rare | Multi-attack(2) | Attack |
Rare | V.Rare | Hold | - |
Rare | V.Rare | Stabilize | - |
Rare | V.Rare | Help | - |
Rare | V.Rare | Multi-attack(3) | Multi-attack(2) |
When all else fails, an adventurer can turn to an honest trade to earn a living. This activity represe nts a character's attempt to find temporary work, the quality and wages of which are difficult to predict.
Working requires at least one day of effort.

To determine how much money a character earns, the character makes an ability check using:
Any Skill (You need to justify the skill you choose to your GM)
Intelligence using a set of tools
Charisma using a musical instrument.
Multiply the Result by the number of days worked in a row and consult the Wages table to see how much money is generated. A Level 0 Character may recieve 2 sp per day of work and is not required to do any skill check, they may however not earn reputation through Work.
Result DC increases by +2 at Level 5 and another +2 Level 11.