Prices in TRB
Note (original excel):
Here is the original document for weapon and armor prices. In this page some of these numbers have been rounded. You may use these prices if you wish as the difference is small.
Don't forget that uncommon items and above require downtime to be found. This also includes weapons and armor.

Magic Items


Spell Scrolls

Spells as Service

Armor Rarities
Armor +1 = Rare
Armor +2 = Very Rare
Armor +3 = Legendary
* = Disadvantage on Stealth
Light Armor

Medium Armor

Heavy Armor

Shield Rarities
+1 Shield = Uncommon
+2 Shield = Rare
+3 Shield = Very Rare
+4 Shield = Legendary
Base Shield gives 1 AC on TRB, instead of 2 as in RAW.

Simple Weapons
Weapon Rarities
+1 Weapon = Uncommon
+2 Weapon = Rare
+3 Weapon = Very Rare
+4 Weapon = Legendary
Simple Melee

Simple Ranged

Martial Weapons
Weapon Rarities
+1 Weapon = Uncommon
+2 Weapon = Rare
+3 Weapon = Very Rare
+4 Weapon = Legendary
Martial Melee

Martial Ranged

Martial Ranged (Firearms)


Battle-trained mounts costs x5 that of an ordinary mount or x10 if the mount is either Exotic (Riding lizard, Wyvern etc) or Huge or larger.
A mount that is not battle-trained requires a DC 15 animal handling for each turn in combat, failure implies that mount won't act in accordance with the owners will and either:​​​​
1. Dash away from the threat
2. Stand still and do nothing
3. Move to and attack the nearest creature

Sea Transport

Mount Barding
Apply the below multipliers to the cost of the base armor to determine armor for a creature of appropriate size.
Medium or smaller size should cost - x2
Large - x4
Huge - x6
Gargantuan - Custom depending on true size
Owning Property
A player may buy property to gain money or housing. The property comes with 1 staff per 1000 gold invested in the property. This staff counts as +0 Hirelings.
Property Value

​Running a Business
The player may choose to either spend downtime themselves, have the staff work, or get professional hirelings to work. The player character only accumulates downtime if they do it themselves.
Properties now passively generate 5% property value in income per month provided an NPC works there.
Once per monthly Patch Notes any player, loyal servant, or faithful friend may attempt one wisdom or charisma based skillcheck DC20 per month and one free skill check relevant to the business. One success on these rolls increases property profit to 10% for the month, two successes increases it to 20%.

Large Estates

Boats & Ships