Modified Content
Before creating your character, you should be aware that there are some restrictions and rule changes. Below is a list of content that cannot be used.
Unearthed Arcana. (Source Material)
Echo Knight (Subclass)
Bladesinger (Subclass)
Twilight Cleric (Subclass)
Peace Cleric (Subclass)
Dragonmarks (Backgrounds/Races)
Ravnica (GGR) Backgrounds
Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos (Book)
The Wild Beyond The Witchlight (Book)
Modified Classes
All classes
Jack of all Saves House rule:
A character's Non-proficient saving throws are increased by half of their proficiency modifier rounded down (minimum of 1).
Fighting Style
Great Weapon Fighting Style: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with heavy two-handed non-reach weapons and +1 bonus to attack rolls you make with heavy reach weapons.
Curved Weapon Fighting Style: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a curved weapon that you are wielding you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must be a Scimitar, Sickle, Scythe or Double Scimitar for you to gain this benefit.
Racial Requirements
No racial requirements for subclasses apply.
Barbarian + Druid
You do not gain the benefits of Rage during Wild Shape.
Semi Race-locked
Humans, Warforged, and Gnomes may begin play as an Artificer (Prisoner or Commoner levelup) or multiclass into the class.
Other races must spend 1 silver token to enter the Artificer class. This applies whether they start as an Artificer prisoner, level up as a Commoner and choose Artificer at Level 1, or whether they multiclass into artificer at a later time. This cost only ever needs to be paid once per character.
Players may make an amount potions during rest equal to Prof Mod and may choose the potions they wish to create.
Potions made by Artificer Alchemist class features do not count towards exhaustion.
Bards get an additional Talent Point at Level 3 which must be spent in a specialty tree.
Song of Rest requires spending healing pool points instead of hit dice and can be used on long rests.
Countercharm allows each target that hears the performance to immediately make a saving throw against the source of fear or charm.
Grave Domain
Circle of Mortality: You reroll the healing and take the higher amount.
Path to the Grave lasts for one minute.
Life Domain
​Disciple of Life only applies its bonus to healing delivered as the spell is cast. This means it does not work with things like Goodberry, which deliver healing after the initial casting.
Battle Master
Know Your Enemy changed to "You can use a bonus action to make a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check, learning one numerical variable from the targets sheet on a success.”
You may use the most recent version of Matt Mercer's Gunslinger class despite it being non-Core content. You may also purchase the associated firearms, subject to setting-specific price changes.
Arcane Archer
Arcane Archer may use of Arcane Shot increased from 2 to Proficiency Modifier per short rest.
Path of the Totem Warrior
​Bear Totem feature replaced with: While raging, whenever you take damage from any source except psychic, slashing, piercing or bludgeoning you may reroll the damage taken and take the lower of the two results.
Path of the Berserker
The 10 level Feature "Intimidating Presence" uses Strength in place of Charisma for the calculation of it's DC.
Path of the Battlerager
Path of the Zealot
Extra attack from spiked armor can be treated as dual wielding for Dual Weapon Fighting talent purposes.
Warrior of the Gods changed to - add your rage damage bonus to your death fumble die size.
Maximum number of Ki Points is increased by 1.
Stillness of Mind clarified to read: "At the start of your turn, you may end one effect on yourself that is causing you to be charmed or frightened. if you do so, you must give up your Action to Do Nothing as you meditate calmly. You may use this ability only once per turn."
Modified Classes
Rangers get an additional Talent Point at Level 3 which must be spent in a specialty tree.
Beast Master
The Deft Explorer features also applies to your chosen animal. (Except for learning languages as part of Canny)
Commanding your companion requires a Free action instead of an action
Beast Master Companion start with: Disengage, Attack, Help, Fetch, Guard commands
Beast Master, Beastial Fury changed to: "Each command you issue may command WIS Mod amount of Beasts".
Exceptional Training Removed.
Thieves' Cant can be communicated non-verbally with a successful stealth roll.
Rogues get an additional Talent Point at Level 3 which must be spent in a specialty tree.
Infiltration Expertise is replaced with One Shot, One Opportunity: Once per long rest, you can choose to ignore resistance to a damage type of your choice when dealing damage to an enemy. If the target has immunity to the chosen damage type, it is instead treated as resistance instead of being ignored.
Ear for Deceit is replaced with: "Once per long rest the player may ask the DM whether something said was a lie and the DM must respond truthfully with Yes, No or Both."
Soul Knife psychic blades count as dual wielding for purpose of weapon talents and 1 psychic blade can be used for opportunity attacks.
Use Magic Device does not trigger fumble rolls.
Supreme Sneak additionally grants advantage to Intelligence (Investigation) checks.
Shadow Magic
The ability to cast Darkness is replaced with "Starting at 3rd level, you can as a bonus action spend 2 sorcery points or expend a spell slot to cause shadows to settle on you like a cloak, causing you to be heavily obscured to others until the end of your turn."
Eyes of the Dark: "You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision from your race, its range increases by 30ft."
Storm Magic
Tempestuous Magic can additionally be triggered by cantrips starting at 3rd sorcerer level.
Repelling Blast & Grasp of Hadar requires the target make a Strength save versus spell casting ability. Saves are made at advantage for Large, noraml for Medium & disadvantage for Small creatures.
Devil Sight: "You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision from your race, its range increases by 30ft."
Hex Warrior: You only gain the weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies, not the ability to use Charisma for your to-hit or damage rolls with weapons.
A wizard can perform a special ritual to create a spellbook. This ritual takes a week of downtime as well as 10 Suns worth of special vellum and binding equipment. If a character with no spellbook performs this ritual, they can populate the resulting spellbook with up to six first level spells of their choice at the time of creation.
Wizard Optional Class Feature "Cantrip Formulas" changed to "Cantrip Versatility"
Adjust Density count as a Bonus Action
Spell Changes
Crown of Madness: requires bonus action to maintain instead of an action.
Dispel Magic: Allow dispelling of higher level spells, similar to Counterspell and cannot dispel curses
Spare the Dying: stabilizes a creature at the current amount of hit points they have.
Sleep: range reduced to 30 ft., radius reduced to 15 ft., roll reduced from 5d8 to 4d8.
Remove Curse: gains the material component Spirit Sap: "625 gp, which the spell consumes"
Sanctuary: requires concentration.
Polymorph: the challenge rating of the beast must be equal to or less than 75% the target's level (rounded down), instead of the target's level.
Blade Ward: additionally gain resistance to any one damage type of your choice. This spell can be cast on other players.
True Strike: duration increased to 1 minute.
Detect Thoughts: the target only realizes it has been probed on a successful Wisdom save.
Pass without a Trace: sets your stealth bonus to +10 if below +10 instead of providing an additional +10.
Goodberry: material component is consumed.
Witch Bolt: both initial damage and consecutive turn damage lowered from 1d12 to 1d8, but both initial and consecutive turn damage scales when casted at higher level: 1d8 to both per level of the spell slot expended.
Stoneskin: does not require concentration.
Shield spell: scales with worn armor: No Armor / Light Armor & No Shield - +5 AC (unchanged) Light Armor & Shield / Medium Armor & No Shield - +4 AC Medium Armor & Shield / Heavy Armor & No Shield - +3 AC Heavy Armor & Shield - +2 AC
Disintegrate: Disintegrate doesn't dissolve the corpse if a target is hit but instead dissolves a limb randomly chosen by a 1d5. 1: Head 2-3: Left/Right arm 4-5: Left/Right Leg.
Plant Growth: 8 hour cast may only be maintained at one location at a time.
Gentle Repose: A corpse cannot be moved to maintain the benefits.
False Life: gives average temp hp rounded up.
Power Word Kill: You utter a word of power that can compel one creature you can see within range to die instantly. The creature makes a wisdom saving throw and takes 60d6 force damage from Cosmic pressure commanding it's extinction. Save halves damage.
Greater Restoration: Can't be used to "remove curse"
Shadow Blade: Qualifies to be used with the Booming Blade and Green-Flame Blade cantrips.
Wilderness Spell Preparation: Characters who are capable of preparing spells may swap out a number of spells up to their Proficiency Modifier after completing a short rest that lasts at least 8 hours.
Truesight Clarification: A magical ability of the Divination school. Effects and items that block divination, such as Mind Blank, Nondetection, and the Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location, block Truesight.
Banned spells
Force Cage
Items and Inventory
Buying and Selling Items
When selling any item to an NPC you only receive 50% of its value
Banned Items
Spellwrought Tattoos
Cube of Force
Ring of Spell Storing
Bag of Beans
Order of the Dragon Shield
Manual of Gainful Exercise
Manual of Quickness of Action
Manual of Bodily Health
Tome of Clear Thought
Tome of Understanding
Tome of Leadership and Influence
Variant Encumbrance is used.
Worn Items weigh half as much (rounded down) this included armor, backpack (not contents) and clothing.
Flying Magic Items
All Common and Uncommon Magic Items that confer flying have their Rarity increased by one level to Uncommon and Rare respectively.
Item Changes
Shield: Base AC reduce by 1 (Except Schematic Shields)
Ogre Strength Gauntlets: Rare
Belts of Giant Strength: Very Rare
Serpent scale and Adamantium Armor: Rare
Scimitar: Reduced to 10gp
Healer’s Kit: increased to 10 gp
Spyglass: reduced to 60 gp
Quarterstaff: increased to 1 gp
Double Scimitar: reduced to 50gp & does not count as a Sword for purposes of Schematic Items
Greatsword: reduced to 30gp
Battleaxe: increased to 15gp
Pariah's Shield - Transferred damage is untyped and may not be reduced in any way
Cloak of Displacement: Very Rare
Helm of Teleportation: Very Rare
Broom of Flying: Very Rare
Eldritch Claw Tattoo's active damage decreased from +1D6 to +2
Spell Gems require magical attunement
Horn of Valhalla summons 1d3+1 Berserkers
Shackles: Imposes the Restrained condition with the exeception that Speed is not zero.