Special Currencies
TRB Special Currency
Not everything is grim and gore in The Realm Beyond, characters/players are recognized and awarded recognition through Silver Tokens, and The Realm Beyond Coins a.k.a. TRB.
Hero Points
Hero Points are gained per character only on level up (both level 0 and 1 starts with 0 Hero Points). Hero Points can be used in the following ways:
Reroll any roll that affects you. This costs 1 more point for every step backwards for the re-roll (minimum of 1).
Ex. Getting critically hit (1. Attack Roll) and getting dealt 20 damage (2. Damage Roll) causes a Major Injury that would decapitate you (3. Injury Roll) would cost 3 points to reroll the attack.
You and your party can pool points to allow you and X other allied creatures to take one additional turn for 2+X Hero Points. This can not be stocked on the same character to allow for Time Stop-like effects.
You and your party can pool points to prevent certain death and/or stabilize automatically for 2 points.
Hero Points that are used in PvP of any kind, including stealing from another player, requires you to inform the opposing player when you use one.
Warning: Mistakenly spending HP you don't have will result on the character dying and carry a negative hero point total.
Inspiration in TRB works a bit differently than in the PHB. Inspiration can be used to re-roll any in-game dice. You can have a maximum of 3 Inspiration on each character at one time.
You gain one Inspiration for your character when you write their backstory.
You can convert silver tokens into inspirations (1=1).
Inspiration that is used in PvP of any kind, including stealing from another player, requires you to inform the opposing player when you use one.
Warning: Mistakenly using an inspiration you don't have will cost 2 silver tokens post-session. Repeated misuse may result in warnings or character retirement.
Silver Tokens
Silver Tokens are used to unlock special races during Character Creation. These tokens are awarded by DMs at the end of the session at their discretion.
The Silver Tokens can also be traded in for Inspiration before the beginning of sessions, but the DM must be informed.
One silver token may be awarded for a great moment of creativity, in or out of combat.
One silver token may be awarded for a great commitment to character, particularly if that commitment materially disadvantaged the character or caused them to take character-driven actions which substantially increased their likelihood of dying.
One silver token may be awarded for inclusion, defined as using RP and interaction to get less prominent characters more involved in the story and the roleplay.
One silver token may be awarded for growth, when a player has shown substantial progress in their play, whether through more comfort with mechanics or more comfort with roleplay.
One silver token may be awarded for excellence in voice and character acting and description. This isn't mandatory to play on TRB, but it absolutely makes sessions more enjoyable.
If all of the above occurred and the GM felt the session was immensely enjoyable to run, the GM may summon Exodia and award everyone a silver token.
Average is expected to be about 2.5 per session.
Rare race refund
To mitigate the loss of dying early after having put a great expenditure into an unusual race, 1 silver token is refunded if a Rare race PC died prior to level 3, and 3 silver tokens are refunded if an Ultra-Rare race PC dies prior to level 3.
Session Claim Points (SCP)
SCP can be used to claim spots for a game by bidding in case the session has more participants than slots. A session with 10 sign ups but only 6 slots for instance may start bidding to see which 6 players wants to join the session the most (similar to bidding in an auction).
In a rare event that multiple players end on the same bid, the spot goes the players that signed up first.
Players lose SCP even if they don't show up after having won the bid.
Patreon Requested Session Bids counts as twice as high.
Players may only bid for other players in sessions they play in themselves, doing so cost twice as many SCP. You must say you want to add to someone's bid before the bidding ends.
At the beginning of each month all players earn 3 SCP. Exceptions for Active GMs and Patreon members.
A player may have a maximum of 2 times their monthly accumulation amount.
Deprived may not spend SCP and are guaranteed in any session they sign up for.
Every session subtracts 1 SCP from each player if they have more than 0, no matter what bidding occurs.
If you sign up for a session, win the bid, and then back out of the session later, the GM subtracts 1 SCP from you when your bid is refunded.
SCP is immediately subtracted once session bidding is closed. In event of multiple active bids, successive bids may be deemed invalid due insufficient amount of SCP at the time bidding closes
Character Slots
There is a starting limit of two characters per player, otherwise known as character slots. Additional slots can be unlocked by DMing or the following achivements:
Reaching Lvl10 Achievement (or Lvl8 or 9 permanent death with no chance of reviving).
Reaching 100 GM TRB.
Milestone Experience (MXP)
Milestone Experience, a.k.a. MXP, is awarded at the end of every session that represents the character's experience thus far and determines when they level up. MXP is kept track by the admins.
Plot Inspiration (test)
PCs may offer an inspiration to the GM to change a plot point. For example
DM: "You walk into the bar...the bartender is a half-orc"
PC: "I would spend an inspiration for them to be an Elf from my conclave."
DM: Chooses GRANTED (change is made and inspiration is taken) or DENIED (PC keeps inspiration, story stays the same)
DM: "The villain casts a fireball at you! The room shakes and you need to make dex saves"
PC: "I would spend an inspiration for the shaking room to knock the Mask of Zherna off of its shielded pedestal."
GMs may choose NOT to use this rule as it is tested. If it is in play, GM will let players know.
Even if it is in play, if a player annoys the GM with this too much, GM can say "You are UNINSPIRING" and the player may not use inspiration in this way for the remainder of the session.
Note: GMs should NOT design or run sessions in ways designed to intentionally farm insp this way. It ruins the point of the system if the GM is the one proposing "Oh...this happens, but maybe if you spend an Insp, something else could happen..." If a GM is using this system, they should actively ignore it at all times except when a player decides to try and use it.
​The Realm Beyond Coins (TRB)
TRB coins (TRB for short) is an out-of-game currency that is earned by playing in the campaign. TRB can be earned in several ways:
The DM will award TRB at the end of every session.
Staff will vote for the best post-session journal entry once per month and award the author 5 TRB
Referring a friend to The Realm Beyond and having them participate in at least 2 sessions will earn you 3 TRB.
You can earn TRB by participating in challenges that occur every now and then.
You lose 1 TRB for showing up late to a session without prior notice + an additional TRB loss for not showing up for not showing up at all.
Characters who die at Lv.5 and above earn grant 20% of that character's MXP as TRB
Players interested in writing lore can earn 1 TRB for 200 words for lore-bounties & 400 words for non-bounties
Use TRB to boost a characters (lvl5 max)
Boosted characters may not perform downtime activities or engage in text RP or trade hub until they have completed their first session.
Boosted characters may use starting gold to purchase items of general availability from vendors before their first session. Boosted characters must be boosted to join a particular session and not for the sole sake of creating them.

Acroshia Daily
​In-character-news-articles now pay TRB similiar to Lore Bounties for any session that gives MXP for regional changes (Affected village or more)
TRB can be spent in several ways:
Earn +1 to an Attribute (Max: 20)
Cost: 50 TRB
Earn a Talent Point
Cost: 50 TRB
Each character may have a maximum of (Prof Mod +1)*50 TRB spent on them for purchased Talent Points and Attributes.
TRB spent on anything other than the previously listed uses will not affect this spending cap.
Raise Max Sanity by 1
Cost: 10 TRB & 10 Downtime
Only if Current Sanity equals Max Sanity.
Can only occur once between each session per character.
Reset all of a character's spent Talent Points
Cost: 50 TRB
Player may redistribute previously-earned ASIs either as talents or ability score increases.
Change Subclass
Cost: 100 TRB, 30DTD and written explanation
Pick Your Commoner Background
25 TRB
PCs at level 5+ may retire to become either an NPC or Villain.
The player gains TRB as if the PC died and gains silver tokens equal to the retired PC's remaining inspiration.
Retired PCs may only be used as NPCs by GMs other than the one who initially created them.
You may retire a PC before reaching Level 5, but you gain 0 TRB, only silver tokens.